Information about the site

Hi! I live in Russia and this site is a result of my spiritual and religious beings. It's very difficult to explain why i decided to create this resource. Mabe - it is a mirror, which reflect all of my life - values. Sometimes it seems to me that "biomagic" is a whole wise creature with own life and friends... Mabe..:)

Site is about 2,5 years old. But during that period it was only on russian, now i try to show it to many people on the other side of ocean, on the other continents! It's important to say - it's absolutely free. I don't want to earn money on it, or do some advertisment. It's not a hobby - it's my life. Would you like to sell your life valubles? - No? That's right! ;) Let's try to keep the best things inside our mind and not to lose it!

Now, i must to say a few words about the structure of the "biomagic". First of all - the site is not only about magic or bioenergy - it's a complex of unknown phenomenas of human phyche. That's why it include many sections.

As i said before - magic, it's not a hobby - it's a part of life. You can see it everywhere. For example - art (painting, sculpture, music...) I'll try to include this "ordinary" parts in the site - content. But, i explain to do that in future, because now, i have a less time on it. Beforehand i want to ask: "Can you help me? Are u unselfish?" :)))

I'll try little by little translate my russian texts into English. There are many articles on the "russian biomagic" now. For example, information about human energy, aura, chakras, how to protect yourself from the negative energetic influences, how to make own active amulet, and many many other information.

Sooo...I don't know what else to say. Thank you for your visit! I hope, information on my site will make your future brighter and brighter! Good luck!

P.S. If you have any questions - please write Andrew.


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