Each person has seven
energy centres, named ñhakras.
Chakras - are nerve centers, accumulating and distributing physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual energy. Both, energy and electromagnetic
radiation (most intensity) are concentrated in charkas. That is
why our feelings in the field of charkas are the most well-marked.
Chakras are located in ethereal body of a person along the spine.
As it was already told
- there are seven chakras.
Bhu -
between the sexual organs and the anal (in the basis of the spine).
Chakra's characteristic: it represents the connection with Earth
and has a charge of person's posterity.
- between the base of sexual organs and the bellybutton.
Chakra's characteristic: it has a charge of sexual relations. There
are some organs depending on it, such as buds and the whole urine-sexual
system of men and women. This chakra takes active part in the gender
relations. So, nature laws in this area are often broken.
Svar -
this chakra is located on the level of the solar plexus.
Chakra's characteristic: it hase a charge of life energy, human's
energetic power and the whole material sphere: money, property,
relations in the sphere of power and material valuables. The whole
belly-bowels way, liver, spleen, underbelly ferric and skin - are
depend on Manipura.
Maha - between the blades,
on the level of the heart.
Chakra's characteristic: hase a charge of sensibility and warmhearted
relations between people. Heart, light and partly bronchi are depend
on Anahata.
Dzhana - in the throat base.
Chakra's characteristic: hase a charge of information, abilities
and skills. It takes part in the informational exchange between
people. Òðàõåÿ, throat, thyroid gland, mouth cavities, nose and
ears - are depend on Vishudha.
Tapo (Agni) - a third eye (between brows).
Chakra's characteristic: hase a charge of will and vision. This
chakra takes active part in human relations (in their aspects of
will, sending own point of view and getting somebody's opinion,
etc. ) Cerebrum and eyes are depend on Adzhna.
Satiya - in back of the head.
Chakra's characteristic: hase a charge of relationships between
the human and the cosmos.
There is a prana's transformation
in each chakra (in its determined type, diversified from each other
by the wavelength), aside from accumulation of the energy.
The frequency of vibrations
increases from the lower chakra (Mulakhara Bhu) to the upper one
(Sahasrara Satiya). That is expressed in chakra'c colour (from red
to violet). First five energy types are corresponding to first five
charkas. Long time ago they were marked conditionally by names of
elements: the ground, the water, the fire, the air and the ether.
The energy, corresponding
to the lower chakra (and to the element of the ground), is the roughest.
It has the most long-lasting wavelength. The colour of this chakra's
energy is red. A person makes rough physical and monotonous work
by help of this energy.
Svadhisthana energy's wavelength is shorter than Mulakhara's one.
Svadhisthana chakra
- sexual energy. It's colour is orange.
Manipura chakra generates
energy for the casual functions governing. The colour of the energy
is yellow.
Anahata chakra - creative
energy, on which people of art work.
The frequency of this energy is on the border of invisible plan
of existence, so named astral plan. The colour of the energy is
Lower charkas are work
in material plane (at the rate of physical and ethereal body). Upper
charkas (beginning from Vishudha Dzhana) are work in unmaterial
plan, at the rate of astral body and it's energy field.
Anahata chakra is the
center linking two planes. This fact has found it's reflection in
chakra's position. The main energy flow, moving on the way in the
manner of "eiqht", has Anahata chakra as it's center.
The first half of the figure is in the material plan and the other
half - is in the astral one.
Working on the Anahata's energy person gets a lot of ideas and images,
and then puts them downwards (into material world). The astral plan
is a four-dimensional space. Living in a three-dimensional space,
person perceives the amounts or the forms. Íå can forecast the events
(stressful situation appers, when he doesn't no what to expect).
Four-dimensional space
could be presented in the manner of still point , where the time
and the space meet. It is possible to see the form and the contens
of the subject. That means that approaches the unity of the manner
and the matter.
This point founds itself
in Sahasrara chakra. After having reached the perfection in this
point, person gains the unlimited cognitions.
The energy, corresponding
to Vishudha chakra, creates the voluptuous painted images. During
the contact, people release energy clots in the manner of determined
images, painted by love, awe, good, envy. Such images begin to live
regardless of people. Each image has a determined period of existence,
whereupon disintegrates.
The colour of the energy is blue.
Adzhna chakra's energy
is the the energy of images without voluptuous colouration. Architects,
sculptors can work on this energy. The colour of the energy is navy
The energy of Sahasrara
chakra has violet colour. That is the energy of abstract thinking
of the highest level (there is no forms on this level, just content).
The philosophers can work on this energy.
The opening of the
The opening of the charka
- is making the energy flow between this chakra and the lower one.
The opening of the charka:
1. makes human's organism
much more viable, because actively working chakra influences beneficially
on adjoining to her organs or the physical body, harmonizing their
2. raises morally-ethical and spiritual level of the person. Herewith
than upper located the chakra, that higher morally-ethical and spiritual
level reaches the person as a result of her opening.
3. reveals extra-sensitive abilities (Siddhi). The type of those
abilities depends on the presence of energy flows between charkas,
that is to say from the opening of the charkas.
The opening of the charkas
is rather complex process, requiring long trainings. Besides, it
is necessary the caution during those trainings (the uncontrolled
energy flow between charkas can damage them). That is why, you should
prepare yourself at first:
1. to consolidate yourself physically and morally,
2. to learn how to feel and to direct energy flow (the flow of the
prana) in your organism.
Special thanks to
Ekaterina for translating the